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AT Holistic Counseling

The victim mentality Vs. individual responsibility

Are you a victim or responsible for what happens in your life?

We are victims when we tend to look for the cause of our problems outside, whether in other people, bad luck, coincidence or even God. I become a victim when I think that what happens to me has nothing to do with me. This can be clearly seen in the way people often communicate; phrases such as: "you make me feel inferior," "you always push me to the limit," "your attitude drives me crazy." If we analyze these phrases we can realize that when I am a victim I give power to others. Have you ever wondered how it is possible that another person can really have the power to generate emotions in you? That would be really powerful and probably dangerous if the person who has that power has bad intentions, because you would be at the mercy of the tyrant. On the other hand, when I believe that the other person can create emotions in me, I simply give up having control of my life, and that's when I become a victim. The key point to understand is that your emotions belong to you, and it is you who decide to feel one way or another. The same thing happens in the face of different adversities in life. Accidents of all kinds, bankruptcies, illnesses, breakups, etc. It is probably easier to think that I had bad luck or that it is a punishment from God, than to ask myself what my responsibility is, in what is happening to me.

On the other hand, when I assume full responsibility for what happens inside and outside of me, I am taking control of my own life. Taking responsibility means that I understand that absolutely everything that happens in my life has its origin in me; even in situations where it would seem difficult to find my responsibility. Let me give you an example: a man learns that he has cancer and wonders why me? He might think that it is just bad luck, or that he developed the disease by genetic inheritance. Epigenetics studies the effects of the environment on genetic expression and it shows that only around 1% of diseases have a 100% genetic cause. Different studies on this field indicate that being healthy or being sick is the result of how we live the experiences and the decisions we make. Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology is another science that also helps us understand how psychological factors can influence the evolution of a disease, or how stress affects our quality of life. Nikola Tesla said that we are energy with information, and I think there is an important cue here to understand human behavior. If I am energy and have my own vibrating frequency, then I will attract people and situations similar to that frequency into my life. It is important to emphasize that many of our behaviors are the result of unconscious programs that we received during the first seven years of our lives, and as adults we reproduce those programs without being aware of them.

From this understanding, it may be easier to make the decision to take full responsibility for my life; and if I do, the relationship with myself and with the environment changes. So, if instead of blaming others I can try to find the meaning of living a particular situation; or, if someone behaves in a way that I don't like I can, from a conscious decision, understand that the way I respond is totally my choice. Or, if you have an illness you can try to find the message it has for you. At the end, choosing between victimhood or responsibility will determine the results you get in your life. Imagine that you decide to take a horse ride and think about the difference it will make, whether you take the reins or not. If you don't take them, you are at the mercy of the path that the horse chooses for your trip. On the contrary, If you take the reins, you are making the decision to choose the path you want to go. It also happens in life, if I decide to be a victim I will be in the power of what life brings to me, and since I am energy, that message of victimization that I am transmitting, will surely bring me more experiences of powerless to continue reaffirming my decision.

Today, I am encouraging you to make a healthy decision, to take responsibility for your emotions, your thoughts and your actions. Doing this, you will be sending life a message of coherence and empowerment that will surely help you achieve your goals faster and live a peaceful life.


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